CRO, the often neglected hero.

Conversion rate optimisation, UX or CRO are words thrown around but rarely understood or actioned upon. When implemented correctly, CRO can take a dud to a winner.

LEVEL FIFTY have been helping luxury and high-end brands understand how to make winning websites with CRO at the core.

Whether you’re at the start of your journey, an established business or a luxury store looking to move to the next level. CRO can help.

Our luxury brand CRO and user experience projects are scheduled in sprints fo 12-16 weeks.

How a CRO project works

  • 1. Spot it.

    Half of the battle of CRO is spotting a problem in the first instance. Even by utilising basic tools like Google analytics you can spot increases bounce rates, abandon carts or technical issues. More advanced tools that track and record unique users are then essential to see the website in action, our first job is to install these and find out why your conversion rate is where it is.

  • 2. Analyse it.

    Once we’ve spotted a problem, we need to analyse it and try to understand what is going wrong. We need to determine if the issue is causing any negative effect on your conversion rates and then what can be done to sort it. This stage can take several weeks depending on how deep the rabbit hole goes.

  • 3. Spec it.

    We now know what we think is wrong, from there we need to spec and design what we believe can be done to fix the issue. From there we’ll need access to the website to make sure we have the right tech framework and tools required to fit your current systems. This is usually a simple process if your website is on a mainstream CMS.

  • 4. Hypothsise it.

    We’ve found an issue, we understand what it’s doing to the website and we have everything we need to fix it. The next step is to hypothesise what effects of making every individual change will make to the conversion rates. This can take a week or two depending on how many changes we’re making.

  • 5. Implement it.

    It’s now time to implement the changes we believe will impact the conversion rate of the website and the user experience numbers. This can take from a few days to a few weeks depending on how many there are.

  • 6. Refine it.

    All digital marketing is a test and refine process, none more so than CRO thanks to it’s ever changing environment and almost endless options. We suggest that we start the whole process again.

Our commitment to you

We’re real luxury digital marketing fans, it’s our passion and our focus everyday. That’s why we give you a FREE month of our game-changing digital marketing management with every website we complete.

The first few weeks of your new website are super important to its future success, so we help give you a head start by managing this transition for you, on us.